Cynthia's Letters

Drink My Spirit and Eat My Word

Seeking the LORD in recent desperate times, I was drawn back into taking daily Communion, using a sip of grape juice and a bite of broken bread each morning. During my communion time, I felt the LORD saying to me:…
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Bless the LORD, Adon Olam, and Bless Yourself

Do not let the enemy torment you with negative thoughts and negative vain imaginations about the future. Rebuke his torturous lies and curses off of your life. You were created in love to shine, so arise to bless your life…
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Passover – Counter-Culture Faith

Beloved one, I hear the LORD crying out, “It’s time to run counter-culture, as Yeshua did when He walked upon this earth!” With the faith given to Him from Father’s Spirit of love and truth, Jesus righteously upturned the tables…
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See Yourself in Spirit and in Truth

Beloved, your Creator has written your story. Receive this Word of truth: YOU are in God’s history book, and through the Blood of Jesus, you have been written in His book of life, in which death has no sting and…
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“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.” -Psalms 34:19

My heart yearns to experience Heaven on earth. I want no more evil, no more pain, and no more tears. But presently we exist in clay, mortal vessels that experience a war zone on earth! Here on earth, we live…
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20/20 Vision in 2020

Our ability to survive and function well in life depends upon our sight. As we move into this year of 2020, our ability for survival and life depends upon our heightened spiritual vision. Visual acuity requires light shining upon the…
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Light and Sight Defies Darkness

Every day we feel the gravitational pull downward, not only physically, but also spiritually. Although the physical downward pull of gravity is necessary to live on this earth, we continually have to fight against the gravitational pull to look up,…
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The Key to Your Shalom

As we head into more headwinds of the End Times, none of us escape the negativity that seeks to entangle us and defeat us with thoughts and words of doom and destruction. Fear grips each of us every day. But…
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Seasons of Remembrance and Rest

Recently I experienced a powerful dream from the LORD. In this dream my 28 year old daughter was in the backseat of a limousine. She was in a heavenly perfect shalom with contentment and joy. She did not know where…
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Divine Exchange

In “running the race” (Hebrews 12:1), at times we become weary and exasperated. Knowing that God wants me to communicate all things with Him and to be “real” and honest with Him, I recently, in exasperation, cried out to Father,…
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I am so happy that I have found Jesus again!
Delores, Georgia