Captivated By God’s Glory

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Just as olives and grapes are pressed for their oil and juice to be released, so too was my earthly, clay vessel pressed in the year of 2020 for the release of my book, From Passover to Pentecost. It’s my continued prayer that when you read its words you will be anointed with Father’s intimate Spirit that breathes new life and strength into you. When I began putting this book together, in 2020, as a love gift to you who have sacrificed and sown into Discovering The Jewish Jesus, the physical pressing began upon my body. I experienced one affliction after another, and the enemy threw one bad report after another at me. As I pressed into the LORD during these confusing and challenging times it became experientially clear to me that the Lord desires my entire being to be captivated by His Being. In God’s pressing room, the flesh and strength of this world dies. Only in experiencing my weakness could His strength be released and perfected within me.

The two words that the LORD gave me at the start of 2020 were, “No more business as usual,” and “the only way to survive and soar above the heavy winds sent against us is to keep my gaze upward upon my beloved Messiah Jesus.” Through shifting my gaze away from the waves and winds to look up and blindly cling to my beloved Messiah and Father, I let go of the concerns of this world to see Yeshua full of holiness, righteousness and eternal life. Right now, take a deep breath in to receive the Holy Spirit, and deeply exhale every concern you have to Jesus at the Cross. As you raise your hands and look up to see Jesus next to the Father, inhale and receive His Spirit. In your mind’s eye, see and receive His gift of holiness, righteousness and eternal life flowing into your soul. Be captivated by God’s glory.

“Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4

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Delores, Georgia