By His Spirit

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It was at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-31) that God’s people received His Spirit as an in-dwelling possession and it marked the fulfillment of the Old Testament Shavuot (Leviticus 23:15-21). Today, Pentecost is the celebration of the gift of God’s Spirit and a time to thank Father God for His provision. Our Pentecost is manifested when we receive the abundance of God Himself through the gift of His Spirit.

Beloved, through His Spirit we now have access to Him. There is no greater event in the history of the Church, aside from the death and resurrection of Jesus, than the giving of His Spirit. When Father God gave us His Spirit, He gave us Himself. In His Spirit is love, power, joy, and victory! Through His Spirit we can go through, and get through—whatever tribulation we may be experiencing right now and whatever trials we will face in the future.

But, we cannot know the power of the Spirit, we cannot know this abundance through experience, we will not live in the reality of it—unless we obey the Spirit. And one of the things that is really important, regarding obedience, is to be His witnesses.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses…” Acts 1:8
Why would God keep giving us more of something if He knows we are not going to use it? Beloved, we are not going to know the fullness of His Spirit unless we are obedient to Him in the realm of witnessing. We have a mission in this world. Our mission is to be His witnesses.

Everybody can speak to somebody.

I want to encourage you, with Pentecost approaching, to BEGIN MAKING JESUS RELEVANT TO THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU. Jesus is the most ancient being, because He is the Ancient of Days, and yet; He is also the most contemporary, modern, and cutting-edge person on the planet. Pentecost is a reminder that we have been given His Spirit. Now is the time to share Jesus with others and the relevance that He has to change their lives.

Father God, I pray that you would anoint each person reading this to be your witness. Father, I pray that you would equip each one to be a bolder, better and more effective witness. Teach us how to present your Son in a cutting-edge way to this generation, to the world around
us, and to our sphere(s) of influence. Father, we love you today. We thank you for Jesus and we thank You for Your Spirit. Amen

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

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