Bless the LORD, Adon Olam, and Bless Yourself

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Do not let the enemy torment you with negative thoughts and negative vain imaginations about the future. Rebuke his torturous lies and curses off of your life. You were created in love to shine, so arise to bless your life with thoughts and words that oppose his negative reports, accusations and prophecies of doom. Satan will unceasingly infiltrate our minds with his bad reports about ourselves and about the unknown details of our future. But God, our Creator, knows all the details of our life – past, present and future, for He is Adon Olam, Master of the universe. He is the One at the wheel with the master plan and master blueprint for our lives. He loves His children with deep, perfect unconditional loving care. Although He does uncomfortably stretch us to conform us into His beautiful, glorious image, He also supernaturally provides everything needed to transform our broken, imperfect existence into a life of joy in Him. Your loving Father will never leave you nor forsake you, and He is faithful and true to carry the load that you give Him. Today, now, give Him your load. Will you release all negative deeds, thoughts and inner oppressions into Jesus? In thought and spoken words rebuke the torturous negative lies, thoughts and curses today, through the Blood of the Lamb, Yeshua. Bless yourself – bless your body, bless your situation, bless your endeavors, bless your loved ones, and pray for those who oppose you. Retrain your brain with positive thoughts and confessions which express trust in the plan Adon Olam has for your life, and transform your world into spiritual blessings beyond measure.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3

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