Africa and the Nations: Why Go and Are You Really Making a Difference?!

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I have been asked, “Why are you and Rabbi spending so much time, money and effort on going to Africa and the nations to preach and evangelize? Isn’t poverty the greatest problem? How are you really helping them?” This is a good question that needs to be answered.

The LORD impacted Rabbi and I with a passion to extend our outreach beyond the USA in 2013, when Terry Snow, director of Haiti YWAM, called us to come and preach the Gospel at a Crusade in St. Marc, Haiti. While in Haiti, I learned of how the United States and other countries have been pouring millions of dollars into Haiti to rescue them from poverty. I was devastated to see that all of the dollars spent had resulted in minimal resolution of the country’s extensive poverty. When speaking to Terry Snow, he validated what I was seeing. The problem has been in how to transform the way people think. Continual dependence upon other countries for help, along with a spiritual history which had made allegiances with demonic spirits, has resulted in a majority of Haitians being trapped behind passivity, seeking handouts; while lacking the ability to create and maintain new systems that would produce greater life and health in the Haitian people. Upon ministering to many African people groups, we have observed the same phenomenon occurring in many Africans nations.

So what is Rabbi and the DJJ team bringing to these people groups?

  1. Fulfillment of a prophetic dream that the LORD gave Rabbi years ago, in which he reached out to a severely wounded black man and released God’s life and healing into his body. At the crusades, supernatural healings are being released as people look up to their Creator for hope, healing and wholeness.
  2. An anointing of God’s revelation and divine creativity, which the LORD has imparted to His Jewish people, is being released from Rabbi into the people. The Spirit of God is empowering them to destroy old generational spirits of passivity and destructive life patterns, and equipping them to make positive changes.
  3. The Church is being strengthened as Pastors and leaders are trained up in important doctrinal truths of the Gospel, which will in turn be imparted to their congregations. Most of the Pastors where we minister have no formal training or education, so this is crucial.
  4. The Gospel is being preached to the utter ends of the earth, fulfilling the great commission and preparing the way for Jesus’ return!

“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a
testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

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