A Journey Into Divine Love

A Journey Into Divine Love

What if the point of the cross wasn’t just to be saved but to be loved?

After reading this book you will see the purpose and power behind a deep and meaningful relationship with Christ. You will find the spiritual refreshment you need to walk forward in your faith knowing how great God’s love for you truly is.

Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider, host of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, draws from his deep understanding of Scripture to unlock the mysteries of one of the most beautiful portions of God’s Word—the Song of Songs.

In what he considers one of the most important teachings the Lord has ever given him, Rabbi Schneider helps readers discover new depths of intimacy with the Lord and better understand how much God loves them by showing how the Song of Songs (or the Song of Solomon) is not just a poetic love story but also a prophetic message of God’s love for His church.

With practical guidance and insightful analysis, Rabbi Schneider illuminates the layers of meaning and symbolism in the Song of Songs, revealing the profound truths it holds for our spiritual lives today. Whether they are seeking to deepen their relationship with God or simply want to better appreciate the beauty of this ancient text, A Journey Into Divine Love is a powerful tool for personal transformation and spiritual renewal.

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Rabbi Schneider

About the Author

Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider is a Jewish believer in Jesus and host of the television show Discovering the Jewish Jesus, which broadcasts into millions of homes in the United States and nearly two hundred countries around the world.

What People Are Saying

“Rabbi, your book 📚,” A Journey into Divine Love,” has given me breakthrough in my relationship with the Lord like I have never had before! Thank you! Shalom.” – April

“Rabbi, I’ve been reading your book, A Journey into Divine Love, and have been so blessed by it. I just read the chapter entitled “Come Along,” and I cried so hard I could barely see the pages. Reading this incredible book has made me realize that the Lord will be with me no matter what, and the intimacy with Him will increase because of my obedience. Thank you, Rabbi, for sharing what the Lord has given you. I am so blessed by your ministry. Shalom!” – Vickie, Kentucky

“Rabbi, your new book Journey into Divine Love has opened my heart and eyes to the book of Solomon like never before in my 40 years of living for Yeshua Messiah!! What a treasure to learn about the divine love for His bride the church! This book is such revelation God that has given you to share!” – Vicki, Ohio

“Rabbi, I just stopped at chapter 5 of A Journey into Divine Love to take the time to write this. The Lord is revealing to me—explaining through your words—what I’m experiencing each time as I read and take notes. I had to stop and express to you the amazing encounters and blessings of tearful joy I have learning how much God knows every intimate need. Thank you for allowing God to use you.”  – Christine, Michigan

“I have been going through a very difficult trial in my life. I’ve been reading the book, Journey into Divine Love, that Rabbi wrote. It has given me deeper insight into my walk with the Lord. He very eloquently unwraps the poetic language in the Song of Songs to reveal God‘s love letter to each and every one of his children. I have been reading it slowly and savoring it like a fine wine. Nothing in this world compares to the love of God in Christ Jesus!”-  Christina, Colorado

As a new Christian, Rabbi Schneider’s heartfelt writings have guided me to a deeper and very personal relationship with Abba and Yeshua. A Journey Into Divine Love is a wonderful, transformative devotional. Thank you and bless you Rabbi for your ministry. Shalom!”Peggy, Oregon

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