An Exchange of Love

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Recently, Rabbi and I sought to relax and disconnect from our intense ministry schedule. I heard the LORD speak, “Disconnect, from the concerns of ministry and life, to connect with Me.” With these words, I saw a clear vision of our hearts, minds, and spirits unplugging from the concerns of daily life, in order to wholly and fully plug into God above. After hearing God’s voice, I pleaded the Blood of Jesus for the cleansing of our hearts and minds. As we traveled out into nature, I was blessed with the smells of life from the trees and vegetation that surrounded us, and I caught a glimpse of the beautiful symbiotic life that we have with them. We take in the oxygen from the trees and vegetation and then breathe back to them carbon dioxide to give them life. As I told my daughter about this beautiful phenomenon, my daughter expressed to me, “Wow, that’s like a picture of us taking in the love and spirit of God, and then giving Him back our love, praise, and thanksgiving!” What a beautiful picture of the symbiotic nature of life between us and our Creator God! This is how we wholly and fully plug into our Father above! We connect with the LORD by receiving His love and Spirit, and then by releasing praise, thanksgiving, and love up to Him. Beloved ones, know that the LORD is moved toward you through your praise today!

“I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.” Deuteronomy 32:3, 4

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