Love Well – A Revelation Part 1

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As I looked to the Holy Spirit to breathe upon me what His new heart and vision for 2016 was, He spoke these words to me, “LOVE WELL.” Wow! I could only drink in these words from His Spirit, for they were so full of revelation and deep meaning. “The first and most important ingredient to loving well,” He expressed to me, “is to be a receiver of My love.”

In opposition to the random, cluttered thoughts that o en consume my day, I saw a picture of me looking up to see God. “Talk to Me out loud,” He spoke, “I created your vocal cords so that I could hear the beautiful sound of your voice. Tell me out loud what it is that you are thinking … yes, every little detail that sounds silly when spoken, is what I want to hear you talk to Me about.
Seek My heart concerning what you are thinking. I am in the details of your life.” I found that as I practiced talking to Him out loud about my thoughts, I felt His Presence. He brought me to the Scripture, Song of Solomon 2:14,

“My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside, show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.”

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