Kalulushi, Zambia

From the beginning, God confirmed to Rabbi that He had sent us to a very strategic place in need of the truth. As Rabbi was walking on our first night in Zambia, a man came running after him. He had seen the tassels hanging from the corners of Rabbi’s garment. He was a Jew from Israel and began telling Rabbi how he had been asking his Jewish Rabbis about Jesus. Was He the Messiah? But they did not have the answers. This time, God had sent this man to the right Rabbi. The Jewish man is now seeking the Lord with an open heart for the answer to his question. Please be praying for him and other Jews around the world-that the eyes of their heart be enlightened. (Ephesians 1:18)

On the first night of the Crusade, Rabbi preached a simple Gospel message telling the people that just claiming to be a Christian was not enough. They must know Jesus! When Rabbi asked who wanted to accept Jesus for the first time, over half of the audience rushed to the altar!

During the Pastors meetings, Rabbi taught on deliverance, healing, and how to move in the gifts of the Spirit. This was all new to them. Later, the Lord would confirm this teaching with signs and wonders.

On the third night, we experienced one of the greatest miracles we had ever seen. As Rabbi was ministering on healing, a girl in the audience began to leap with joy. A Pastor brought her and her brother up front to testify. Her brother was 15 years old and he had been mute his whole life. God had just healed him, the boy had begun to speak! His 20 year old sister testified that, although she had seen miracles on TV, she now believes - because this was the first time her brother had ever spoken! The next night the crowd doubled!

Dear Partners, THANK YOU so much for your prayers and financial support. Together we are making such a difference, as Father uses Rabbi to evangelize the world for Jesus.

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