Become a Monthly Partner Today

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“I am so thankful to be a monthly Partner with this ministry; I cannot reach those people around the world…but you have the way provided already to do that. By my being a Partner financially…I am going with you…and this gives me great joy in my heart! God bless you Rabbi Schneider and your ministry…abundantly!” —Sharon, Facebook


Be a World Changer – Become a Monthly Partner with Rabbi!

Would you consider a deeper commitment with us? We are looking for individuals who are, even now, sensing the LORD leading them to take the step of becoming Monthly Partners with Discovering The Jewish Jesus. As a Partner, you not only become connected with everything we do, but you also share in the reward that comes to those who send the message of our Messiah to a world in need of God’s help. Together we are making a difference, and together we are preparing the way for the inevitable return of King Jesus!

“I am 65 and still jumping with joy, all the time, with your teachings. I am so happy to be a monthly Partner with you in getting the Word out to the world!” –Stephanie, Indiana

“My children are being fed through this ministry, and taught to live godly, holy lives, and I am forever grateful for that. Your faithful monthly Partner.” –Kristine, Ohio

“Rabbi, through your teachings, God has literally saved my life. I am now a monthly Partner. You really make a difference in people’s lives—I’m proof!” –P. California

“I became a monthly Partner because I wanted to stand with you in reaching as many people as possible with the Gospel.” –Berlestine, Virginia

“My wife and I decided to be monthly Partners with Rabbi, because we were receiving so much that we felt the need to support him.” –Keith, Pennsylvania

“We feel much more a part of your ministry since becoming monthly Partners.” –Jane, Florida

“Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers with the truth” (3 John 1:8).


“Thank you for sharing the video of your recent crusade. I am a partner and felt like I was actually there with you. I stand with you and pray for your safety as you travel and the Lord’s covering over your marriage and family. Please take care of yourself! We need you!” -Cori, Windermere, Florida

As a Partner, you come along side Rabbi Schneider; literally helping to bring the Good News to millions of people around the world! When you are a Partner, just like Cori, you “spiritually” go with Rabbi to places like Africa and Haiti: becoming part of the ministry team that proclaims hope, salvation, and deliverance. You will begin to experience the Blessings of a covenant relationship with Rabbi, as you share in the “Fruit” of this soul winning ministry. Imagine becoming part of every salvation decision and every testimony received!

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” (John 14:6). At the very core of everything we do, and will continue to do, is a commitment to Biblical truth. Rabbi’s unique insights of integrating the Old and New Testaments bring clarity to God’s Word and the understanding that there is no other way, no other truth, and no other life- than Jesus!

“How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent” (Romans 10:14-15)?

Beloved, will you help me impact the world for the cause of Jesus? I ask that you seek God’s will for what He would have you give monthly, and then – take a step of faith and obey. As you take this step of faith with a pure heart, I know that you will be blessed and experience God’s increase in your life. I thank you for your continued prayers for Cynthia and I, our Discovering The Jewish Jesus Ministry Team, and for the thousands of lives we will reach for Jesus – together! Shalom and Love, Rabbi

“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure – pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return” (Luke 6:38).


Benefits of Partnership

When you become a monthly Partner of Discovering The Jewish Jesus Ministry, you will receive:

Reaching Israel and the World


Partner Exclusive

As a new Monthly Partner you will receive, as our gift of appreciation, an authentic Shofar – Made in Israel!

The blowing of the Shofar announces the Kingdom of God! With the help of our Monthly Partners, Discovering The Jewish Jesus is boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God, and Yeshua’s soon return, all across the earth!

Become a Monthly Partner

Feasts of Israel

Messianic Content
Building Faith in Messiah

Connecting the Old and New Testaments
Teaching Notes

Watch Previous Episodes
with Rabbi’s Teaching Notes

Going Deeper / Getting Stronger

International Outreaches
Reaching Israel and the World

Your Faith Will Grow


Become A Monthly Partner

Receive an Authentic, Made in Israel, Shofar

You Can Make a Difference!

With Love From Cynthia

Letters That Inspire

Go Deeper

Featured Product

A Powerful Tool For Personal Transformation and Spiritual Renewal

A Journey Into Divine Love
I am so happy that I have found Jesus again!
Delores, Georgia