Hunger and Thirst No More

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Jesus says to the crowd:
“Truly, truly, I say to you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread out of heaven, but it is My Father who gives you the true bread out of heaven” (John 6:32).

The people respond, 
“Lord, always give us this bread.”

Yeshua then says back to them: 
“I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.”

Many of us, even though we have come to Jesus, find ourselves still hungering and thirsting and are not feeling complete peace, total freedom, or joy unspeakable and full of glory that Scripture describes. (1Peter 1: 8, 9)

Beloved, the reason is—although we have accepted Yeshua, we have not become fully obedient to Him through the Holy Spirit. 

Although we may read the Scriptures, go to church, pray, sow into the kingdom of God, and do good works —we are often still hungry and thirsty. Why? Often times the reason is that the Holy Spirit is not reigning over our hearts and minds 100%. We are not yet single minded and entirely surrendered to Him.

The good news is, we can get there!

An effective place to start is by not allowing negative and ungodly thoughts to run freely through our mind. We need to keep our minds under the blade of truth by taking every earthly thought captive that is not aligned with the Word of God. Beloved, we need the help of the Holy Spirit to fully surrender to His will. Because, if our lives are not fully yielded in obedience to Father—we will miss much of what He has for us.

Hear what Jesus said:
“If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8: 31, 32).

Notice that word continue. “If you continue in My word.” Every morning we need to awaken with a mind set and a determination to continue in His Word. This is how we become grounded in the truth that leads to freedom and a place of fulfillment where we hunger and thirst no more.

We need to continually come to Father as if our life depended on it—because it does!

So don’t give up. The Words of Yeshua are true. He is the fountain of living waters. He is the one from whom His Spirit becomes within us a well of living water, bubbling up to eternal life so we hunger and thirst no more. But we have to make Him our one life goal—pressing in and fighting the fight of faith every single day!

Each day I am learning how to resist thoughts that are not right. Every day I am learning how to become more and more loving towards people, more and more submitted to His Lordship. Every day the Lord is transforming my mind and my behavior. It is a continual process.So, know that as you continue to press in and become more like Him, this promise that He made: “you will no longer hunger and no longer thirst,” will be fulfilled in your life. Jesus is the truth and He will do for you and me what He said He would do, when we completely and steadfastly follow Him.

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