To Know Him by Name

To Know Him By Name

Discover the Power and Promises Revealed in the Hebrew Names and Titles of God.

We can’t see God, but we can know who He is and who He wants to be to us, through His Names.

Rabbi’s latest book will guide you so you can declare and trust that the names of God perfectly describe who He is at His core. You will have peace through the storms of life and learn how to walk in victorious living. In today’s culture, names are often little more than identifiers. But in ancient Hebrew culture, names held symbolic and prophetic meaning. This is why when God revealed His names and titles to us in the Scriptures, He was giving us more than interesting information. He was making known to us His character, purposes, and will.

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About the Author

Rabbi K. A. Schneider is a Jewish believer in Jesus and host of the television show Discovering the Jewish Jesus, which broadcasts into millions of homes in the United States and nearly two hundred countries around the world.

What People Are Saying

“To Know Him by Name by Rabbi is an amazing book that will expand your understanding and relationship with GOD… the name of GOD as given to us by Jesus, FATHER. His name for Christians is deep and intimate. May this fine book draw you to the name we have privilege
to call Him today that the Old Testament saints never dare. FATHER.” – Jackie, Maryland

“I just completed your new book To Know Him by Name. Words alone cannot express how much this book ministered to me. Anyone who has a sincere desire to know Our Lord better would benefit from reading this book and would want to hold onto it for future reference.” – Gary, Tennessee

“Rabbi, I wanted to let you personally know how much I’ve been blessed by your book “To Know Him by Name”! It is truly anointed by God and has drawn me closer to my lifelong relentless pursuit of seeking Yahweh. The words are the Word of God and have become alive in me as I surrender to Him! To says its transformed my life is an understatement, I’ve read and re-read it over and over again, and I’ve recommended this anointed book to several family members and will continue to do so.

Thank you for being obedient in sowing God’s Word and spreading this unfailing and victorious gospel everywhere.” – Latina, Tennessee

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