Prayer Points

Here are our Current Prayer Points:  

The Lord said “Call on me and I will show you great and marvelous things that you know not of.” –Jeremiah 33:3

  1. Breakthrough Year in 2025:

   Seek God’s blessing in making 2025 a year of breakthrough, where we reach more souls for Jesus worldwide than in all the years before. Pray for Rabbi’s goal:  to provide every man, woman, and child on this planet with enough knowledge of Jesus the Messiah, enabling them to make an informed decision to either accept or reject Him.

  1. New Believers in Agbor, Nigeria:

   Pray for the approximately 10,000 souls who gave their lives to Jesus during our outreach in Agbor in November of 2024. That the Lord would continue to send the right people to disciple the beloved ones that gave their life to the Lord during our amazing time of ministry there.

  1. Supernatural Finances:

That the Lord will continue to supply the finances necessary and allow Discovering the Jewish Jesus to walk-through new doors of opportunity He opens to spread the gospel.

  1. Blessing on Our Work:

   Ask that God would supernaturally bless the work of our hands, enabling us to bear abundant fruit for His kingdom. Pray for wisdom and discernment to follow His guidance in everything He calls us to do.

  1. Salvation for the Jewish People:

   Pray for the salvation of the Jewish people and for the success of our upcoming Awaken Israel Outreach and Evangelistic Campaign. May hearts be open to receiving Jesus as their Messiah.

  1. Health and Spiritual Protection for Rabbi and Cynthia Schneider:

Pray for Rabbi Schneider’s ongoing health, strength, and divine empowerment as he continues to fulfill God’s calling.  Pray for Cynthia that Father God would grant her all wisdom and equip her with everything necessary to effectively minister to the beloved Discovering the Jewish Jesus family through her writings in the newsletter and in managing the various administrative tasks she handles daily.

Thank you for being part of what God is doing around the world through Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Your prayers truly make a huge difference. We deeply appreciate you and value your partnership. Thank you for standing with us in prayer and lifting these needs before the Lord. As Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there in their midst.” Together, as we unite in prayer, God will advance His Kingdom, and the gates of Hell will not prevail.

We’d love to hear your testimonies! Please share them below.

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