Finding True Love

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Recently I watched an old tv sitcom which climaxed with the main character’s discovery of the “true” meaning of life. After mentally struggling through the complexities of love, relationships and what life is all about, he claimed that his conclusion is that the altruistic goal of life is to be happy, be nice to others and find romantic love. Doesn’t that sound like most Americans’ delusional beliefs today? This pursuit keeps us frustrated, self-centered, and unfulfilled. The media has a way of conforming us more into Satan’s image. Vain pursuits conform us into a lost and tormented soul who fruitlessly seeks to find life and love apart from the Creator, who is the essence of life and love.

Our Creator knows how He created us, who we are and what our purpose is. The deepest meanings of life are all discovered in searching out our Creator through the ancient, yet current, words of Scripture. With God’s Spirit, His love and our submission to His Words of truth, we discover that love is the answer, but true love is only discovered through intimately knowing our Creator. This true love leads to our deeper, eternal happiness. This true love loves God, loves oneself and loves others unconditionally.

Let’s look up to God and through the forgiveness found in Yeshua’s sacrificial love poured out at the cross, receive a river of Father’s true love. Let this love flow into your heart, through you, and then back to your Creator and out to others. Let’s live in true love.

“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” Psalm 91:14-16

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Delores, Georgia