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Our minds are constantly bombarded with stimuli that cause distraction from an upward focus upon our Creator and an intimate relationship with Him. Although we may know that peace and shalom come from resting in the LORD, stimuli from our environment frequently trigger inward thoughts of fear, anxiety, panic, shame, condemnation, rejection, loneliness, depression and oppression. We continually require fresh manna (food) from heaven to break the tension and oppression that seeks to devour our souls. Take time today to breathe in the Holy Spirit and slowly meditate upon the words of this prayer to renew your mind.

I am Your child. I am Your bride. Everything that’s Yours is mine. I have permission to rest and DEPEND upon my strong secure Father and Husband. This is who You are. You go before me to prepare a place for me and You carry me across dangerous territories. Resting in Your arms, trusting You and living in Your love is my work. Following and dwelling in an ascended Spirit, the Holy Spirit, is my way, truth and life. Fear, worry & lack are under my feet as I dwell in You, trust in You, love You & live in You. I put You before me, and trust that You are around me on every side, attending to every detail of my life. What I hear & see is passing away, but YOU, O LORD, transcend it all and transform my life into love, beauty, power and unending life.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

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Rabbi, thank you for boldly proclaiming truth!
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