Fountain of Sorrow, Fountain of Light

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In 1977, I studied abroad in a Third World community, experiencing their language, culture, and very simple lifestyle. Upon return to the United States, my parents picked me up from the airport in their Oldsmobile. The music playing through their car stereo system sounded amazing, with its bass, treble and woofer speakers. As I looked out the window on the drive home I was struck by the order of streets and traffic as well as the wealth and conveniences that Americans so churlishly took for granted. I was experiencing culture shock. After experiencing stark contrasts of life, in terms of civil order and modern conveniences, I gained a deep appreciation for the great blessings of our country that others took for granted.

As in this situation, the LORD often exposes us to sharp contrasts throughout our life’s journey to strike us with deep emotional highs and lows that expand our horizons. The beautiful drama of your life, beloved, is discovered through these lows that contrast the highs. Indeed, every valley of pain, sorrow, and loss, when wrestled out with the LORD and then submitted and released into Jesus, will bring forth a resurrection by the Holy Spirit into new heights and depths of spiritual revelation.

Thank You, LORD, that in Yeshua the drama of my life serves to birth me into the awesome wonder of Your love, truth, peace, joy, and life. May I see every loss as a gain in you, O LORD.

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though something strange were happening to you; 13 but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that at the revelation of His glory you may also rejoice and be overjoyed. I Peter 4:12,13

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