He Helps Us Carry Our Burdens

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“Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, the God who is our salvation. Selah.”
— Psalm 68:19

Do you realize that every single day God is helping you carry your burdens? Have you ever started a day worried and agitated, then cried out to God, and a few hours later you realized the anxiety had lifted and you had peace in your heart? That happened because God was bearing your burden. Through Jesus, Father God was imparting His strength to you.

Beloved one, Jesus really does help you bear your burdens. That is why He said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). If you are facing a difficult time in your marriage, with your finances, on your job, or in your family, remember that you are not alone. Jesus wants to help you bear those burdens.

For the rest of your life God will be with you, no matter what you face. Nothing will be too much for you because the One who rose from the grave lives inside you. He will help you bear your burdens and make you more than a conqueror all the days of your life.

Father God, I just want to say thank You for helping me bear my burdens. So many times I’ve had days when I started out so agitated, but I cried out to You, and before the day ended, You gave me peace and strength. That anxiety was just loosed somehow. So, Father, I want to say thank You and acknowledge that it was because of You. Father, thank You for always being there.

Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider, Rivers of Revelation (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2020), Used by permission.


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