From Passover to Pentecost

Explore the Power and Presence of the Holy Spirit in 50 Days

In From Passover to Pentecost, Cynthia shares that the Bible tells us to count the fifty days beginning with Passover and ending with Pentecost, called in Hebrew Shavuot (Leviticus 23:15-16). It was on this fiftieth day called Pentecost that the first believers received the Holy Spirit (Acts 2). They had been waiting in Jerusalem for the “Promise of the Father” when God’s Spirit fell on them. I believe that as we wait upon the LORD from Passover to Pentecost, preparing our hearts by giving Him our love and devotion, we too can receive a fresh endowment of power and revelation through the ever-present living Spirit of God!

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What People Are Saying

“Cynthia, you blessed me with your devotional, From Passover to Pentecost. Truly, your rare quiet spirit as a believing woman of God came through in each daily entry. Many times, during these devotionals I sensed the Spirit of our living God whispering and guiding me through your explications.” – Kristy, Maryland

“Cynthia, From Passover to Pentecost was so, so good for me. I am so blessed by your deep understanding of God’s Word applied to my heart through your writing. Please continue these written devotions. My book is all underlined and tear stained.” – Caryl, Wisconsin

“Cynthia, your book From Passover to Pentecost has spoken to me so personally! God has used your insight to encourage me during a difficult time.” – Christine, Illinois

“Cynthia, I cannot tell you how much your book Passover to Pentecost has meant to me. Each day it seemed as if the Holy Spirit had written it just for me. Your book reminded me that as close as I desire to be to His heart that He is even closer to mine.” – Catherine, Wisconsin

“I love your book Cynthia from Passover to Pentecost. What awesome heart rendering things you have written, it sometimes brings me to tears.” – Lydia, British Columbia

“I want to thank Cynthia for writing her WONDERFUL book, From Passover to Pentecost!!!!! I THOROUGHLY enjoyed reading it!!!!!! I looked forward each day to a new treasure of wisdom and insight into her relationship with Jesus. I want to make these blessings my own! Now that I’ve read the entire 50 days, I plan to go back through it and study all the places I’ve underlined and special passages so I can work on making those insights part of me! I sure hope Cynthia will write more books — the Lord really speaks through her a lot!” – Ellen, Illinois

“Cynthia, I am currently reading your devotional book, From Passover to Pentecost. Today’s passage was Day 21; the topic Don’t Stop from 1Timothy 6: 11-12. I was so touched by the beautiful, encouraging words that you wrote, that I was reduced to tears. Thank you so much for writing this devotional. The content is so rich and encouraging.” – Regina, California

“Cynthia, your book, From Passover to Pentecost, has blessed me so much. Each day you spoke to my heart and touched the pain in my soul. I will pass it on to others so that they, too, can find healing in its words.” – Janet, Florida

“Cynthia’s Book is Fabulous!!! So beautifully written; captivating, and just exactly what I needed!!! It was such an answer to prayer; totally speaks to my heart, soul and spirit. I sense the Holy Spirit, and can hardly wait to read the next devotion….and pray the prayers” – Marge, Canada

“My husband & I began using Cynthia’s devotional, From Passover to Pentecost, during our devotional time together & it has so blessed us. My husband said he feels closer to the Holy Spirit than he ever has. We ordered a copy for our daughter & son in law.” – Barbara, Indiana

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