Times of Wrestling and Winning

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In an instant we find life change from how we thought or knew it to be. With the outbreak of COVID19, smiles are now hidden behind masks, hugs and handshakes are prohibited, and quarantine has isolated so many who already battle loneliness. Even beyond the ill effects of COVID19, the political and social events of 2020 have devastated our sense of safety. But be not alarmed, for the Author and Finisher of our faith told us it would be this way and is going before us (Matt. 24, John 16:33).

When tragic events of life happen, or when pain and impending doom overwhelm us, all old, autopilot, default modes of thinking, coping and living cease. Almighty God wants to change everything for the sake of His eternal life and righteousness to be realized in His people. In clinging to the LORD through high winds and deep storms we’ll experience His eternal Spirit beyond the temporal, physical realm. Like Jacob who wrestled with God (Gen 32:24-32), we win, but we are never the same again, for we have encountered the almighty God and victory in Him. We walk out of battles limping like Jacob, but with new peace and strength – leaning our entire being on our beloved Savior.

Beloved warrior of the King, during this season lean upon your faithful, beloved Savior, and with thanksgiving remember, “The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8

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