Spiritual Warfare, Part 2

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“When the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel, all the Philistines went up to seek (attack) out David.” 2 Samuel 5:17

I recall a true story that I recently read about a man. For years, he had known that God was calling him into the ministry, but he was reluctant to do it because he had a very secure job. Finally, he made the decision to trust God and go into fulltime ministry. What happened next. Immediately, his company came to him and offered him a big promotion. Why? The enemy was trying to stop him from advancing in God’s plan for his life. Beloved, we need to become fully aware of and walk in the revelation – we are in a spiritual war.

“So that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.”
2 Corinthians 2:11

Just as the Philistines attacked David when they heard that he was anointed king, so too the powers of darkness will attack us as we are moving forward in God. Consider our divine role model – Messiah Jesus. What was the first thing that happened to Him after He was supernaturally anointed by the Holy Spirit and declared to be the Son of God? The devil attacked Him (Matthew 4:1).
You and I have to recognize that we are in an ongoing spiritual confrontation. And if we do not grasp this, the enemy will thwart us in our pursuit of God. When we expect resistance and opposition, we will not be caught off guard when it happens. When it comes, we will be prepared, remain steadfast, and keep going forward – like a battleship in the night, because we know that we are progressing in the Lord and we refuse to be stopped!

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you.”
1 Peter 4:12

Peter is saying here that when we go through a fiery trial, it is because of God’s call on our life – so do not be astonished or dismayed. As we rely wholeheartedly on God through the attack, it is going to form in us godly character, firm roots, and make us strong.

I want to encourage you to recognize, first of all, that it is not a strange thing to come under enemy fire when you are moving forward in HaShem. When you trust God for something new, when you surrender unto Him in a deeper way, or when you are advancing in His call on your life – expect and count on beloved, that you are going to be resisted.

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